New Sustainable Packaging!
Another project we undertook in Lockdown number 3 was to review and update our packaging to make sure it was as sustainable as possible.
I was already using recycled paper and recycled packaging but little did I realise how important to the process of recycling that it was not good to use sticky labels. We also found that some of the paper packaging damaged very easily so we wanted to find an alternative solution.
Firstly we concentrated on the sourcing of calico bags. After much research we found a wonderful company with a perfect fit on ethical commitments putting people and the environment first. You can check them out at They are a well established business who positively produce and have been a pleasure to do business with.
Then we redesigned our labelling we picked up on the graphic design my book. Using recycled paper, jute ties and no lamination our design is 100% recyclable that can also be collectable like a set of playing cards.
We hope you find the information on the labels interesting and useful. We look forward to gradually adding to the collection of products.
Summer Sewing!
We have had 4 weeks of fabulous sewing classes! All fully booked with lots on the waiting list some of whom were lucky as issues like flooding and isolation released some places.
I would like to thank all participants and teachers for their support in lateral flow testing, it all meant we all had a safe time keeping COVID -19 at bay.

In machine sewing we made bags, patchwork blankets, pots, dresses, tops, ‘very small’ beach tops!, skirts, cushions, pencil cases, gloves, skirts, and shorts! With an age group of 8 to 15 years old, some beginner sewers, others more experienced sewers and using lots of Liberty Lazenby cotton a good creative time was had by all.

The hand sewing class also improved their sewing skills from the ages of 5 to 10 year olds. It was lovely to see lots of new faces amongst the old ones and to see everyones sewing creativity.
We made lots of dogs, square cushions, cloud cushions, peacocks, pencil cases, bunting, monster heads, frogs, owls, and so the list goes on!

We have had ‘Sew Much Fun’ in Windermere
It is with great sadness that our time in the Lake District has to come to an end and we are sorry to let all you wonderful local creative customers down. Thank you for your support over the last 8 years!
It all started when I fell in love with the building and it’s natural creative atmosphere. So we expanded our London Sew Much Fun business to the Lake District. We have enjoyed sharing our love of creative sewing. We will be continuing to expand our offering on our new website so please stay in touch.
We wish Lucy a great future in her move to the caring service, but with the pandemic strains as they are we just cannot keep both businesses going.
We celebrate with a ‘GOODBYE SALE’ on 30th May 12.00 pm - 5.00 pm
31st May 12.00pm - 5.00pm
50% or more off everything!
Lockdowns 1, 2 & 3
Who could have guessed what this pandemic would bring! As all small businesses Sew Much Fun has had its challenges! Our response has been varied, a mixture of ‘doing good’, creating new product, redesigning our packaging and launching a new website.
Lockdown No.1 we offered our skills, know-how and sewing community to make scrubs for our local NHS.
We also shared face mask patterns and instructions for free and then we sold them in the shop to hundreds of our local customers.
In between we opened up our shops at a reduced capacity fitting in with the government guidelines.
Lockdown No.2 gave me time to design a long awaited nativity scene which was a great window decoration hit and has led to a smaller hand sewing version which will be on offer in Autumn 2021.
Lockdown No.3 after a bit of a business crisis melt down! We got on with re-designing all our hand sewing and machine sewing products and ensuring our new packaging will be 100 % recyclable and biodegradable. We have then completely overhauled our website with an emphasis on shared knowledge and information alongside an expanding product range. We do hope that you all like what we have done! We feel we now have a ‘learning strategy’ in place that will continually grow and be available to all.
The Remade Brigade
Ever find yourself with scraps of fabric and don’t know what to do with them? Well incorporated into our new sustainable business strategy we are going to regularly come up with new design ideas for scrap fabric.
Rozzie (my name sake) Ruby and Rico were all designed to make you smile! And putting them in the shop window during lock down 3 has certainly done that….These patterns with their instructions are now available as downloads from the website or we can make them to order.
“Hi, just want to say THANK YOU for the Rozzie Remade monster! My son absolutely loves it! I have never ever seen such a reaction from him for any other toy! Thank you so much” Elena
Recyling fabric is a great way to extend the life of a scrap of fabric. These characters can be made out of anything, including old clothes. They are simple and easy to make and of course you can come up with your own design. We can guarantee a smile from the maker as well as the receiver from the ‘Remade Brigade!’